Since the origin of human life, people have sought a method that would provide them with security and thereby obtain physical/emotional stability. This interest has had no distinction of place, race or religion.

In this field, the Eastern fighting systems achieved a very high level of effectiveness, while at the same time they added to their learning such beneficial aspects as the development of intuition, will, body/mind coordination, physical improvement and many more things that gave their systems great prestige worldwide, among which is Kenpo Kai.

In today’s society, these benefits provided by self-defense continue to be valid, but in addition, the continuous practice of this type of training is a revulsion to aspects as harmfully adopted as they can be: blocking in a dangerous situation, physical inactivity, insecurity. , etc…

Kenpo Kai self-defense gives you the tools and knowledge to be able to get out of a dangerous situation without suffering any harm, and in that regard it has proven to be quite effective.

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