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Our goal is to bring Kenpo Kai to every corner of Europe, we want to take advantage of this platform to invite you to join the Kenpo Kai family.
We have online training programs so that you can learn Kenpo Kai in places where there are no teachers and that you are the person who later develops KenpoKai in your region or country.
We will wait for you!!

Contact us and start your path in this Traditional Japanese Martial Art, called Kenpo Kai.

    Hello, Kenpo Kai has been present in Europe for 50 years.

    Every day looking to improve and continue developing.

    Our goal is to bring Kenpo Kai to every corner of Europe, we want to take advantage of this platform to invite you to join the Kenpo Kai family.

    We have online training programs so that you can learn Kenpo Kai in places where there are no teachers and that you are the person who later develops Kenpo Kai in your region or country.

    We will wait for you!!

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